Operation Freedom Paws Canada
2022 50/50 draw to help both ends of the leash

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2022 50/50 draw to help both ends of the leash

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Our clients are from all parts of Vancouver Island and recently from Alberta. We train the individual to train their rescue dog, and then certify them together as a service dog team under the BC Guide Dog and Service Dog Act. Most of the dogs come from rescue shelters. Each is then matched to a specific client’s physical and psychological needs. There is no charge, all we ask is a commitment to train twice a week for a minimum of 48-week.
The need on Vancouver Island is big. Since we started Operation Freedom Paws Canada two years ago 14 Service Dog Teams have taken the BC Guide Dog and Service Dog Assessment Test administered by the Justice Institute of British Columbian (JIBC) and graduated from the program.
We work hard to teach our clients to stop isolating which is a challenge during COVID. After the team is certify they take the OFP Canada skill test, which is going out in the community, interact with others, completing regular life tasks like shopping in Walmart or COSTCO and enjoying a meal in a restaurant. This is our mission at OFP Canada helping clients to life live as best as they can.
Clients also have a chance to give back to the program after they are a certified Service Dog Team by mentoring others. They have already walked the walk.
We rely on donations from the shelter dog given a second chance, to the disabled client given an opportunity to regain their independence, to the client’s family who is able to re-connect with their loved one. Make an impact today!
To ensure the program is available to everyone who needs it, this program is provided free of charge to each recipient. We rely on donations to provide support for shelter rescues dog fees, training equipment, veterinary treatments, Dog Food, and Team Training.
Due to grants received and fundraising we were able to purchase a 82 feet long tent for our bad weather training, a container office and a container which we use as a kennel for our rescue dogs till they are matched with a client and some agility equipment for our dog confidences course.

Important dates

50/50 Sales Deadline: Midnight, Thursday, June 23, 2022
50/50 Draw: Friday, June 24, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.

Ticket packs

50/50 tickets are:
2-Ticket Pack for $10,
5-Ticket Pack for $20,
20-Ticket Pack for $50.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many tickets are available for sale?
    There are 5,250 tickets available for sale.
  2. How much do tickets cost?
    2-Ticket Pack for $10, 5-Ticket Pack for $20, 20-Ticket Pack for $50,
  3. Can I request a specific ticket number?
    No. Ticket numbers are computer-generated in ascending order starting at a pre-determined number.
  4. When are the deadlines for ticket sales?
    Final Sales Deadline: Midnight, Thursday, June 23, 2022
  5. What are the odds of winning?
    Chances are 1 in 5,250 (total tickets for sale) to win a prize. Actual odds depend on number of tickets sold.

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Actual odds depend on # of tickets sold.
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